Healing frequencies

You can visit us in person or we will make an appointment where we connect with you remotely. We can offer energetic healing, reiki, creating a grid for your intentions, sound healing, crystal support, or a combination that feels appropriate in the moment.


This is a reading from your Akashic Chronicle, incorporated into a report. It gives you insight into themes from past lives that are currently important for your inner-standing. In addition, it tells you about the talents and pitfalls associated with the original attunement of your Soul. The reading is personally explained and when it feels necessary followed by an energetic healing. 

Guided meditation

You can visit us in person, request a recording or request an online meeting. Meditations are always customized to your intention and needs. They are channeled on the spot, when our souls are connected. Examples for meditations are: trauma healing, regression, coming into contact guides or star family, specific healing or coming into contact with crystals and crystal skulls. Do you like to be guided in detail for the best experience, or do you prefer a lot of empty space for your own experiences? Together we will look at what is suitable for you.

Authentic power is the energy that is formed

by the intentions of the Soul.

It is the light shaped by the intentions

of love and compassion guided by wisdom.

- Gary Zukav -

Gary Zukav -