"That you may See, that you may Know, that you may Trust, that you may Be.

That you may see who you are, that you may know why you are,

That you may trust yourself, that you may be who you are."

- Claudia d'Haens -


You are welcome to join us at JOY in Mill.

22 September we are present on the Woman Inspiration Day 🙏🏻

We are there with the crystal sculptures of Crystal Medicine Art, available for purchase.

And Claudia will host the guided meditation.

Experiences of a Crystal Grid:

"Recently I was able to experience a crystal grid ceremony for the 3rd time. She had brought many of her beautiful crystals with her. We were allowed to intuitively place these on the grid, in a place that felt right for us. This resulted in a beautiful collage of crystals, gemstones But also other attributes, some of which we had brought ourselves. The explanation during and especially after the leggings by Claudia was again very special and beautiful. She has so much knowledge of all these beautiful crystals, gemstones etc. Because of her sensitivity and years of experience, she can put things into words and connect them beautifully. So once again, I enjoyed this special meeting."


"And then, all of a sudden, a very special energy flies in. With my intervision group we had a special evening, where we had built a vortex with this crystal grid ceremony. It was so powerful that I was able to let go of a lot in safety to continue to grow. Now it is a long time later and the place where the vortex was built up is still overflowing with energy. I would wish this experience for everyone!"


"I just want to say that I really enjoyed the crystal grid ceremony last Saturday under your very inspiring leadership. Enjoyed is actually not the right word, the crystal laying is a profound commitment of and a promise to us humans. You know how to interpret everything beautifully and relate it to each other where we just put down a stone or another object from our feelings! I felt carried and I went home light and happy! Thank you Claudia, your knowledge and insights and your beautiful meditation have brought me a lot!! See you next time!!"
