What Didier can offer to you:

Didier can give offer profound insight in your personality with his broad knowledge from the Tzolkin, Gene Keys and Human Design. This will give you an understanding of how you can handle challenges in you life in an optimal way.

With this he also uses his intuition and mediumistic talent.

  • Do you wish for somebody who listens to you without judgement?
  • Somebody who guides you in contemplation and becoming more conscious to discover your own truth and feelings?
  • Are you looking for inspiration and insight in your personal development?
  • Are you somebody who mostly needs to approach things from a mental perspective? 

Didier enjoys to look at matters into depth and find the core of the matter. He has researched his own path through life this way for years to find himself and reach the core of his being. His is glad to be of service to you with his gathered knowledge and life experiences, to help you reach the core of your being as well. 


What Claudia can offer to you:

Claudia attunes with you from soul to soul, purely from intuition and feeling, or from a Soul Realignment that she makes for you. What needs to come to be worked with will present itself naturally. She can guide you in meditation, with an energetic session for balance, with transformation processes from past lives, initiations to open and deepen a new chapter from your soul.

She uses all kinds of things to let the soul speak: force fields, meditation, initiations, gemstones, crystal sculptures, oracles, tarot, sound healing, anointing oil, energetic instruments... Actually, anything can become an instrument if it feels appropriate at the time.

  • Do you wish to be in touch with your feelings, intuition and your soul?
  • Someone who guides and meets you from soul to soul in a playful and creative way?
  • Are you looking for broadening experiences in your energetic experience and development?
  • Are you someone who should approach things mainly through feeling?

Claudia enjoys bringing the astral planes and higher dimensions within existence into connection with our lives. She has always done this in a natural way in her own life path, she came into earth with a 'cosmic awareness'. She is glad to be of service to you with her talents and life experiences, to help you experience and deepen these connections in your own life as well. 


When you feel that we can offer you what you need, the exchange is the price you feel from ❤️ to ❤️ according to your abundance.

We are not teachers or healers.

We don't know any better and we won't solve anything for you.

We are a companion on your life path in those moments when you feel that we can offer you something to find yourself.


Looking at light and shadow in the mirror, being able to experience harmony in our own balance. There we are guided by inner knowing, intuition, synchronicity, and the pull of our creation.

We all experience it: joy, love, hope, magic, fear, pain and sorrow. We are free to be aware, free to live, and process things in our own way.

In doing so, we encounter all aspects of ourselves: our heart with all emotions, our head filled with thoughts, our gut with all feelings. Keeping the balance, welcoming new awareness, surrendering to change and trusting ourselves, our intuition, our soul and the knowing deep within.

On this journey it is beautiful to meet each other, beautiful to inspire and support each other. Everyone is on their journey, everyone has moments of imbalance, challenges and lessons.